IT Consulting Pricing

short consultation (20min)


In a short time we can discuss your goals, and lay out the best course of action for you to achieve the success you’re looking for.

IT Consulting Hourly Rate

$150 per hour

Labor only and does not include any material or equipment cost.


All Included

Remote support

3 Hours

Monitoring & updates

Anti Virus

Network support

Onsite Support
Per Month

Monitoring & System updates

Monitoring & 3rd party/System updates

Per Endpoint

$55 Month

$115 Month

person using laptop
person using laptop

Endpoint Support Plans

Our support plans do not cover the costs of hardware or projects. Our support plans are specifically designed to provide assistance and guidance for day to day troubleshooting and 3rd party software.


This is a good option for clients that do not mind working on their IT or have tech savvy staff.
This is a good option for clients that do not mind working on their IT or have tech savvy staff.
Middle of the Road - We do most of the heavy lifting. IT budget is in your control.
Middle of the Road - We do most of the heavy lifting. IT budget is in your control.
For those who want complete peace of mind. Let us worry about your tech and keep it running.
For those who want complete peace of mind. Let us worry about your tech and keep it running.

Project Labor

30% off labor

10% off labor


I will be responsive, accountable and transparent. Empathy and expertise will be brought to every client interaction. You will get the same advise I would give any member of my own family.